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Selectmen's Minutes January 4, 1994
      Minutes: January 4, 1994 - Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Robert Andrews, James
Haggerty, Chair and  Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also: Joseph
Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.

I. Announcements: (1) Haggerty called the meeting to order at
7:30pm with the safety warning that the highways and streets were
icy and that the town trucks were out sanding for public safety.

(2) 1994 Open Burning permits now available at the Fire Station.
The season will begin January 15 through April 30th (10-4pm). The
$10 fee must be paid by personal check or money order.
(3) The Hanson Rotary Las Vegas Nite is scheduled for Friday,
January 7th from 7pm-midnight at the Hanover Elks Club on Route
53.  Proceeds benefit local scholarships and charities.

II. Bill Dunstan re: Hill Street - Pine Grove Colony streets.  He
came in to see the Selectmen to see what he could have done about
the conditions of the roads especially in the area of the bus
turn around at Pine Grove Ave and Birch Streets. He stated that
water puddles at this area and should be corrected. The colony
has existed for at least 75 years and now has 35 houses.
Presently, The Town grades the roads twice a year and plows the
streets as private ways.  Pine Grove Avenue was accepted as a
Town street in 1950, however the side streets were not since they
do not meet the requirements of public ways for width.  As
selectman liaison to the Drainage Committee, Kuchinski took Mr.
Dunstan's complaint to request the Committee chair call a meeting
for further discussion.  Andrews believes that situations like
this raises yet another problem which should be carefully
addressed - houses on accepted streets are assessed the same as
houses with frontage on accepted streets.  Tax values may have to
be adjusted if enough people complain to the Assessors.

III. AGENDA ITEM ON HOLD: Comments on Policies and Procedures.

IV. Smoking Policy - On Hold. Haggerty apologized for not
supplying his company's written smoking policy.  He will do this
before next meeting.  Enforcement of fines for this policy could
be tickets under the accepted provisions of MGL 21D.

V. Discussion - Appointment of Constables. Two individuals have
recently contacted Nugent regarding constable work in Hanson;
only one is a town resident.  Nugent researched the matter and
informed the Board that additional constables may be appointed by
the Board at their discretion.  This would be in addition to the
two already annually elected by the people.  Constable Donald
Ferguson was in audience and was asked by Kuchinski for
information regarding the amount and type of work he was asked to
do as a Town Constable.  Besides posting the warrants for which
there is no charge to the Town, he may be called upon 6 or 7
times to serve various papers upon residents.   Members of the
Board felt no need to change the present system - any resident
looking for a constable position should stand for election.

VI. May 1994 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Motion 1/4/94.1: move
to open the 1994 Annual May Town Meeting warrant until 8pm on
March 8, 1994.  Motion made by Andrews with second by Kuchinski.
Motion carried 4-0.

VII. AGENDA ITEM ON HOLD: Youth Commission Appointments. Nugent
has been asked to secure, for our next meeting, the names of
those individuals looking to serve on this committee.

VIII. Vote - Common Victualer License - Captain and I.  All town
taxes and fees are paid.  Motion 1/4/94.2: move to issue the 1994
Common Victualer's licenses for the Captain & I restaurant.
Motion by Andrews with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

IX. Discussion - Town Report Cover - On Hold.  Brainstorming for
the scene appropriate to grace the cover including suggestions of
the Red Acres Farms sing-along, Indian scenes, and the Little
School House - home of the Hanson Historical Society.  Bruce
Young volunteered to be in touch with Ray Towne to let him know
of the dilemma so he might offer assistance.  This discussion
then went on the Town Flag question: wherein it was mentioned
that a member of the Board of Assessors would volunteer to design
the flag if nothing is received from the contact made with the

X. 3 pool tables - Alfred & Paul's (no videos). The Board is
informed that all town taxes and fees are paid.  Motion 1/4/94.3:
move to issue the 1994 Entertainment license to cover three pool
tables at Alfred and Paul's. Motion by Andrews, second by
Kuchinski. Motion carried 4-0.

XI. Class II License - Eastern Sales - Bruce R. Chapman. The
Board is informed that all town taxes and fees are paid.  Motion
1/4/94.4: move to issue a 1994 Class II license for Eastern Sales
- Bruce R. Chapman at 1 Liberty Street.  Motion by Andrews,
second by Kuchinski. Motion carried 4-0.

XII. Action Requests.
     (1) Kuchinski requested a vote of the Board to send a thank-
you letter to the Telephone Pioneers for their donation of 20
"hug-a-bears".  Motion made by Kuchinski, second by Andrews.
Motion carried 4-0.

     (2) Kuchinski requested Nugent to arrange a meeting of this
Board with the Board of Health and Finance Committee to discuss
the facts and figures of changing the transfer station user fee
back to being paid by taxation.  She stated it had been proposed
as a temporary measure and now, at budget setting time, is the
proper time to open discussion on the matter so that it's in the
budget or at least an article for town meeting deliberation.
Nugent to try for a meeting on February 8th.  
               (3) Kuchinski asked when the meeting was scheduled with the auditors - Jan. 18th 7:35pm.  

     (4) Haggerty announced the Rockland Landfill/DEP Meeting is
Thursday, January 6th at 1pm.  Nugent and Kuchinski to attend.
XII. Executive Secretary Report.
     (1) Budgets have been submitted as level funded with
contractual reimbursements.  Copies have been handed out to the
Board members for review. Board to comment at next meeting so
that budgets can be submitted to FinCom.

    (2) Meeting Schedule: Motion 1/4/94.5: move to set February
meetings for the 1st and 15th. Motion by Kuchinski, second by
Andrews. Motion carried 4-0.  

     (3) Andrews wanted a reminder that departmental Town Reports
are due.

     (4) Tom Pepe / Snow Plowing. Nugent informed the Board that
the vote taken at our last meeting designating Pepe as a Special
Employee was incorrect.  Nugent has been in contact with Ethics
Commission lawyer Andy Lawless who informed him that since Pepe
works more than 800 hours annually for the  Town, Pepe is not
eligible for Special Employee status.  Motion 1/4/94.6: move to
approve an exemption for Thomas Pepe under Section 20B of MGL 268
8A to allow him to plow snow for the Town.   Motion by Andrews,
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  

Motion 1/4/94.7: move to adjourn.  Motion by Andrews, second by
Murdoch. Motion carried 4-0.  Adjourned at  8:32pm.